Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall fun

We love when fall comes to the white mountains not because of the pretty colors,(because pine trees don't turn colors) its because of all the fun stuff that comes with fall like football. The girls love love to go to the high school games, maybe just for cotton candy but the get all excited for the team when we score. I personally think i have cheerleaders in the making but Craig is hoping we don't.


Lonna said...

I am glad that you enjoy going to the football games. I think that would be a fun thing to do with the family.

I like that you are raising two really cute cheerleaders...or just really team spirited girls. They looks like they are really having a fun time on the bleachers. Go team!

milliganfam said...

yeah i like going to the games but the girls are the best part very entertaining....too bad they only make it to half time then they are ready to go home