Thursday, June 19, 2008

Keara's birthday

Wow 4 years old is so big. I asked Keara what she wanted for her birthday and like the grown-up she is replied "I don't know mom, I'll think about it."
Then I asked her what she would like to eat on her special day, and this is how i know that we are sooo big she said
" ummmm bacados."
" Avocados? " I reply.
"YES!" comes the answer.
"So what would you like avocados on? Chicken, hamburgers, tacos, quesadillas?"
"ummmm hamburgers."
"ok " i said "What else would you like, What kind of cake and ice cream"
"Bacaodo" comes the reply.
And that was that no one could get the idea out of her head once in there. What can i say the child likes avocados so out i sent craig on the internet to find recipies and boy did that boy deliver. Now as a parent i did draw the line at avocado cake but we did relent on the ice cream and frosting. My little big girl couldn't have been more excited we made the ice cream rolling it on the floor the old fashioned way and of course that was super fun to watch. (i'm just glad that it isn't really my floor)
Keara is my helper at all times normally but because this was her day she wanted to help with everything right down to scooping the avocados out of the skin, and sealing the cans for the ice cream. Erinn while supportive kept asking us if we really had to put avocados in everything, because the what would she eat. It was like a green eggs and ham day only with avocado smeared on it.

1 comment:

Lonna said...

Well you can't deny the green color of the avocado. That sounds like a really fun way to celebrate the day. I like the homemade ice cream idea, and the fact that the floors that may have been damaged in the making were not really yours.