Monday, May 11, 2009

School Projects

Erinn of course being in the third grade is apparently now starting school projects she (we) had to make a diarama (sorry if that's spelled wrong) for the book Charlotte's Webb. The kids had to pick their favorite scene from the book. Erinn's favorite scene was the morning Wilbur meets Charlotte. Erinn's is the one in the middle white box exterior.


Lonna said...

This post makes me a little excited, a little nervous, and a little nostalgic all at the same time.

I think that you,and Erinn, did a great job. How fun it must be to work with them on a project for school. You are a really great mom Lisa.

milliganfam said...

This was a Family project Keara helped paint the inside I helped with the fence and webb. Craig was the engineer for the movable pig and shredded paper for the ground. Erinn's project looked so good I was expecting a blue ribbon but it wasn't that kind of project.