Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year !!!
Well 2009 rolled in pretty smooth every one is back to school and work. I am looking forward to spring. We have already used all of our snow days for this year and we haven't even hit the really snowy part of winter yet.... oh well. The girls had a fun new years breaking a totally cool pinata and watching the Ute's beat up on Alabama in the Sugar Bowl. I'm teaching them to appreciate football from an early age so that some day they won't have the transition that I had into sports. They are going to make REALLY good wives someday,

1 comment:

Lonna said...

Well I am glad to know that you are still alive and not snowed in yet. I can't believe that you have already used all the snow days. Sounds like you might be giving up some of the spring break if the weather keeps up.

I have to say that I was surprised to hear that you were such a football fan. I mean even sending out the texts of who would be playing in the super really are hooked. I am impressed that you are passing that skill onto the girls. I think that they will make awesome wives too.