Monday, January 19, 2009


Christmas was sooo nice this year the girls slept in until about 7:30 (yeah). We woke up to snow coming down in big fat flakes, a white Christmas our first here in the AZ. Since the girls asked for some gifts that were more expensive than in years past we decided a small Christmas with the things they wanted instead of lots of little things would be the way to go. If you ask me they still made out like bandits. I did a lot of my shopping on line this year great for some things I've learned not so great for others. Lesson learned, behavior modified for next year.


Lonna said...

It sure looks like it was a fun Christmas. I love the hello Kitty CD player, and who wouldn't want a easy bake oven, or a tinkerbell? I know that Gwen is a fan of the little pixi too.

I think that the new hair style that Craig is rockin' will be a big hit with his students. It is like he is their gift all year.

Cassie Marie said...

really? not even on christmas morning my dear brother cant crack a smile?