Monday, December 22, 2008


Last year Erinn needed something to stuff in the stockings of all her classmates. What to do? We already made reindeer's out of candy canes and snowflakes with pencils stuck in them so what next. Erinn wanted to make a treat and I thought cookies that's easy and I can do cookies. No Erinn wants candy. With my mom's trusty caramel recipe in hand we start five batches later we complete a fabulous batch. This year with the caramels under our belts we tried fondant to make chocolates. I bought a marble board and flavors (in advance, no last minute this year) procured the ingredients in bulk (just in case) and off we went. This year it only took me three batches to get it right and everyone got to help a little. Erinn is already asking if she can have my recipe when she's my age. Sometimes she makes me feel really old.

1 comment:

Lonna said...

Kudos to you!! What a great idea. I love that you let everyone help and that you are not opposed to making more than a few batches. You are like 100 steps ahead of me you know, I have never made the fondant on my own, but I keep thinking that I should learn, but then I don't.

Mmmm I like that you made orange, you know that is my favorite. It looks good, and nice work on the turning it Craig, it has that lovely shiny look.

I am jealous that you had your own chocolates at your house to eat.