Monday, December 15, 2008


Thanksgiving is a great time of year to reflect on the things that you are thankful for, even though it sometimes feels like your not. I am thankful for my kids they are great, they bring a smile to my face every day. I am thankful for family and friends who are always there for me when ever i need them.
This year for Thanksgiving we were fortunate enough to go to zoo lights at the Phoenix zoo again, I love going to zoo lights maybe more than the girls. This is a fun family thing we have been doing for the last couple of years that gets us out of the cold and lets us have a break from winter in the white mountains.

1 comment:

Lonna said...

That looks like a really fun place to go. I think that I too enjoy the lights and the zoo way more that my kids do. But hey we are the ones paying right, I guess it is only fair that we get to go to the things that we love too.

I like the pictures of them on the merry-go-round it looks kind of magical with the lights and the background whizzing by.