Sunday, November 16, 2008

Winter is here....maybe

Well last week we got our first taste of real winter... it snowed about 2 inches but that's not bad for only a couple of hours worth. Luckily it did not get real cold too or they could have delayed the start for school which of course the girls always cross their fingers for. Still that just means its time to dust off the old scraper and start the car a little earlier for work.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat

Trick or treat this year the girls decided that they wanted to be a Devil (Erinn) and an Angel (Keara) most fittingly and pretty accurate for the most part. This year Erinn wanted to go "all out" she said so I got red hair spray and some face paint for her and Keara glittered from head to foot.

Those pumpkins look really great all lit up too.

pumpkin madness

I love that the girls are getting big enough to really enjoy all aspects of each holiday like for Halloween its not just the candy now but we like carving pumpkins and they like the trying to scare each other, which is very funny to watch by the way. This year instead of having to do all the carving and scraping out of the pumpkins the girls were pumped up to do it themselves and they did a good job too. Erinn drew her own design on hers and Keara told me in detail how to draw hers and then dad used his power tools to carve it. The results MASTERPIECES

Party on

The town has lots of activities leading up to Halloween and this year I took the girls to the Candy Scramble which is like and Easter egg hunt minus the eggs and you get to wear your costume.(bonus). The girls had a blast running around getting candy and playing at the park.

Fall fun

We love when fall comes to the white mountains not because of the pretty colors,(because pine trees don't turn colors) its because of all the fun stuff that comes with fall like football. The girls love love to go to the high school games, maybe just for cotton candy but the get all excited for the team when we score. I personally think i have cheerleaders in the making but Craig is hoping we don't.